When I Found Grace
A podcast done by When I Found Grace Ministries
41 episodes
Failed Goals
In this episode, we discuss failures of what we wanted to do, but what God has planned instead. Some exciting things are happening, and it is a time to be more hopeful than ever!!
Kingdom Investment?
In this episode, we discuss the parable of the talents and how we should be investing our selves into God's kingdom
Becoming A Christian??
In this episode, we discuss about whether you can become a christian by accident? What makes a person a christian??
Arrogant Obedience
In this episode, we discuss a weakness that is prevalent in many of us... that the Lord called us to do something, and because we were obedient, now we think that we did something special or that we found the "magic pill"
In this episode, we tackle a question of being baptized after already being baptized as an infant in the Catholic Church
Honor Thy Mother and Father
In this episode, we look at the 5th commandment and how it relates to our culture today
Should I say Anything??
Jesus told several people not to tell others what they experienced. What does this mean for us?
Is It Revival!!
In this episode, we examine some thoughts revolving around the Revival at Asbury University and how we should respond appropriatley
Best Commentary
The decision to use a commentary in your study of the Bible can be difficult. Who to trust? Is it affordable? Do I even need one? Today, we discuss what commentary is best for your study time in the Word
Unequally Yoked??
In this episode, we discuss a question that came in... Should I stay away from Atheist whether they’re acquaintances, friends or distant relatives?We unpack this question in this episode
The Same God???
In this episode, we view God from the POV of the Old Testament and the New. Are they different? Are they the Same?? We talk about these in this episode
New Year New Goals
In this episode, we talk about setting goals and how important to respond appropriatley to goals unatained
The Church Economy??
In this episode, we talk about the economic structure of the church and maybe some misconceptions about it
Has the Church Replaced Israel??
In this episode, we continue our look into Eschatology and what that means for the church
What the Church is... Not
In this episode as we continue to look at Eschatology, we will look at Peter's view of Aliens and Strangers and what that means for the church
What is the Church
In this episode, we go back to some of the basics, and what does the Bible teach about the church
Gates, Marriage, Grace
In this episode, we start a new venture in talking about current events and grace. This time we talk about the high profile divorce of Bill and Melinda Gates and how we should respond to this in the eyes of grace
It Was Always The Lord
In this Episode, we continue with our Biblical Take in the book of Judges. In Ch. 5, we read the song of Deborah and Barak, and we see exactly where all the credit is given
Results, But No Blessing
In this Episode, we continue through our study of Judges and how it relates to grace. We talk about Deborah and Barack, and how the Lord will bring the same results regardless of us, but the blessing can be missed
Another Take w/ Matthew Heist pt.2
This episode is the second part to my conversation with my brother Matthew. In this episode, we talk about how him and his wife met and how the Lord directed their path